Monday, December 31, 2018

ESP8266 library for EFM8 microcontrollers - Server mode

In previous article ESP8266 library for EFM8 microcontrollers was presented the ESP8266 module and how can be interfaced with a microcontroller in client mode. This article covers ESP8266 in server mode and how to send commands to ESP8266 over the internet.

Of course this is not a real web server although with an SD card whole HTML pages could be served. The purpose of this library is to extract queries from a URL requested by a client. This way for example you could change color and brightness of an RGB led using a color wheel in a phone app or control home appliances from anywhere in the world.

Saturday, December 8, 2018

ESP8266 library for EFM8 microcontrollers

ESP8266 is a low-cost serial to Wi-Fi module that is very popular among electronics hobbyists. It can be used to connect a microcontroller to internet over Wi-Fi. The things you can do with it are numerous. You could monitor and log various sensor data like atmospheric pressure, temperature and humidity together with geo locations on websites like Or you could retrieve information from internet such as weather, number of subscribers on YouTube, send tweets with your microcontroller, send email notification if your plants get dry, etc.